Top raw material supply
Stonex is a leader in the supply of African raw botanical products for the food, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical extraction industry in Asia and Europe
Voacanga africana
Gum arabic
Prunus africana
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Gum arabic

Gum arabic is a rich source of dietary fibers and in addition to its widespread use in food and...


Yohimbe is one of a number of Corynanthe evergreen species growing in West and Central Africa ...

Prunus africana

Prunus africana, the African cherry, has a wide distribution in Africa, occurring in ...

Voacanga Africana

Voacanga africana is a small tree native to tropical Africa belonging to the family


Strophantus is a particularly toxic plant from the forests of Africa and Asia whose seeds are used for

Voacanga africana

Voacanga africana is a small tree native to tropical Africa belonging to the family Apocynaceae


Strophantus is a particularly toxic plant from the forests of Africa and Asia whose seeds are used for